Thursday, April 26, 2012


Hello friends,

I have decided that I need to do a bit of soul-searching, as well as a bunch of writing so I have a stockpile of posts to pick from when I want to publish.  Unfortunately, due to the job hunt, the end of school, and the possibility of moving across the country looming in my future, I just don't have the time to do all the writing necessary to post weekly.

Never fear, though, I will not give up on this blog!  Even though Ms. Disarray is still quite new, I have had a ton of fun with it, and will definitely come back at a later date.  And if I have something to say that I desperately want to say immediately, of course I'll post it!

Send good vibes my way, dear ones! :)


Desiree' / Ms. Disarray

1 comment:

  1. Good vibes are always being sent your way, my wonderful daughter. :) <3 But, I will miss your blogs.
